CSV to Database Import Script using Google Sheets or ExcelSometimes, the data population has to do some data conversions to JSON or SQL format. But sometimes working with JSON is not the fastest…Mar 25, 2021Mar 25, 2021
Kubernetes: Env file to Config Maps and SecretsIn Kubernetes (and OpenShift), environment variables can be managed in the config maps. If the values are sensitive like username…Apr 21, 20201Apr 21, 20201
Firebase Admin SDK: Resolve Deployment Environment IssuesHave you ever wonder once you had a working application running in your local machine, but once deployed it in a server or cloud, all of a…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Common Mistakes I found in the intern developers: Part 5: Misuse of Java StreamWith the experience I got by working with software engineering interns, I noticed some of common mistakes and programming patterns.Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Common Mistakes I found in the intern developers: Part 4If you are a fresh graduate who newly join to the java software industry, or an undergraduate who is joining a firm as an intern developer…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Common Mistakes I found in the intern developers: Part 3: ConstructorsWith the experience I got by working with software engineering interns, I noticed some of common mistakes and programming patterns.Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Confusion Matrix Visualization for SpaCy NERConfusion Matrix Visualization for SpaCy NER model predictions using matplotlib and sklearnJul 25, 20193Jul 25, 20193
Common Mistakes I found in intern developers: Part 2: ConstructorsWith the experience I got by working from software engineering interns, I noticed some of common mistakes and programming patterns.May 28, 2019May 28, 2019
Common Mistakes I found in intern developers: Part 1: Collection APIWith the experience I got by working from software engineering interns, I noticed some of common mistakes and programming patterns.May 26, 2019May 26, 2019
Java Spark User Defined FunctionsA Spark Dataset/ Dataframe is a distributed collection of data which can apply map, flatMap, filter, reduce , etc functionalities.Apr 9, 20192Apr 9, 20192